Where do I, where do I go from here?  

{ } Monday, July 30, 2007

Ahhhhh * stretches *
I finally have the time to blog, but not for long though, I mean what's new, tests and all.

I somehow create problems for myself you know, like causing unnecessary rumours or just get myself misunderstood. I have no intention at all of doing that but what to do, you can't stop no one from saying what they wanna say. *shrugs

My brother is back and he told me that I was lucky enough not to be back home when he just arrived, cos if not, he would have given me a hell good trashing cos I made him clear all the nonsense in my house. Haha kor, I hope you're not reading this.

I seem to only complete everything halfway, and I just ditch this. ugh.

Anyway, The Simpsons was...... funny. I'm still stuck to the spiderpig thing. well yeah it was definitely a good way to end that long day after getting two hours of sleep the night before.

Spiderpig spiderpig.

@ 4:41 PM

{ } Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My school socks seem to be suffocating in the washing machine. I have the urge to save 'em.
Omg I gotta knock some sense into myself.

@ 10:38 PM

{ } Tuesday, July 24, 2007

"Stereotypes" for me on RHD last week. We were supposedly "invited" to attend this, and I think it's the most enjoyable activity of all although we missed the on-the-spot dancing competition cos of that but it's okay, it was worth it. So we shared about our opinions on racial stuff but it wasn't like Racial-discrimination-is-bad-so-stay-away-from-it-dont-ask-my-why-just-do-it kind of thing, since the trainer ( right in the centre with his wife at extreme right )'s first words were : I think NE is bullshit.

RCIY! Lol yeah I've graduated after 4 years of class and I get to grab the picture first before the others do cos I've got ...connections * smirks.

Anyway, to those who just got confirmed this May, post-confirmation party and collection of cert. is on 28 July 7.30 pm at RCIA room.

Prelims starts in 37 days.

P.S :Thanks Alex and Leonard, you really made my stomach burst yesterday btw.

@ 5:45 PM

{ } Sunday, July 22, 2007

Something amazing btw, Goh Wei Rong has updated her blog after eons.

Okok I've been havin' fun these past few days and it's TIME to SETTLE DOWN and hit the books haha hit the books. Chem especially gah, and for chem I'm sacrificing Heroes tomorrow yes I know I'm really slow cos I'm just starting to watch Heroes now.

Been to parties, namely Darrence's one yesterday. He's been wearing that tie everywhere he goes and well, the BUs are... a madly fun bunch of people. Oh and before that, caught Harry Potter with half of the Usuals at The Cathay and I didn't really enjoy the show somehow, even though I didn't read the book and didn't know until the end that a lot of good scenes were cut off, the show wasn't as good as what I expected and Nicole discovered that the Weasleys and Hermione love to wear striped stuff. Cho Chang is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

My neighbour's insane. It's 12 midnight now and they're still blasting some rock music. They're insane mainly because they abused their maid, pulled out her hair, whacked her and stuff and they sent her back to the agency. The Indian lady did it ( no offence intended ) and the husband didn't give a hoot about it, he was more interested in the TV.
Sigh while on that topic, my maid of 10 years ( back in Indo ) has gone back to her village to get married :( She's actually the reason why I go back to my hometown for ( other than the super duper yummy stuff mmmmmmm you can ask Gary about it ), she's like a sister I never had heh heh heh.

Had prayer meeting just now. I feel really comfortable with the YC-ers and there's this homey feeling to it all. What is it to live your life.. in an extraordinary way? It could be anything. Heard of the news about this dad who joined the Pan Pacific Race along with his son who has severe autism? Or the guy who dropped out in school at 11 but managed to graduate as the top student in NAP? It could be anything small, really.
Well Andrew, thanks a lot for your understanding and prayer, really helped me a lot :) Thanks for all the concern too from all, and MERVYN YOU BETTER SHUDDDDDDDDUP.

Alrighty, probably off to sleep now.
Ultimate mugging day tomorrow!

And btw I think I'm getting too old. I feel so worn out easily like now, I could just drop dead on my bed but nop, gotta get some stuff done first.

@ 12:08 AM

{ } Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Lol physics test today was retarded honestly.
Anyway, something cropped up with my computer again, just the screen, it says Video Cable something something so the whole modem's working except for the screen.
So I've migrated to my bro's room and so did my keyboard :)

Why push someone over the limit when you haven't even tried being in their shoes for even a second? Don't do this to him anymore please. Remember, I still love you ;D

I can't wait for the weekends to come actually.

@ 8:47 PM

{ } Tuesday, July 17, 2007

*drums fingers
hmm, should I tell Nicholas or should I not. Now everyone knows that the love letter's fake... everyone except him.
This is how it went :

Nicholas happy birthday!
heylow, happy sixteenth bdae nicholas. my fwen told me its yur bdae today, burt i cannot tell yu hu. anyway i dun tink yu noe hu i m, tat tyme i say hi to yu, yu neva hear me, i quite sad lorhs. im de one hu always watch yu play basketball with the ncc guys i tink, next tyme must notice me kays?

luv, :)

( * supposedly to look like it's written by a sec 1/2 girl i didn't have the time to write all the xXzZ sS and double letters dammit )

Everyone whom I showed it to knew that I was the author cos it was obvious it's my handwriting, but Nicholas, after being my chemistry lab partner for one a half year.. didn't seem to realise that, so I had to pass the message around BU to tell them that the letter.was.a.fraud. Lol my conspiration mission with Abby actually worked out.

This whole week is packed beyond packed ugh.

@ 5:38 PM

{ } Sunday, July 15, 2007

I wish every Sunday could be like this. Good company, good shows, good food, good talk. Thanks YCers, esp Merv, Leonard, Pete and Sharon.

Didn't get anything fruitful nor productive done. Missed two tuitions and I agree with Mervyn, they're eating me up.

Well, I received my first compliment from a considerably good friend of mine for the first time in these two years I've got to know him ( after countless number of insults yes ). Thanks for talking to me about it , dood, I appreciate it, really :) Good luck anyway, when you need someone to talk to just call me I promise I wouldn't be that busy and try to help you out even though I get things way slower than ... normal people.

Gotta get lots of things done in these few days, and of course dreading it like hell, what's new? :@

Abby thank you for letting me stayover at your house :)

@ 10:57 PM

{ } Saturday, July 14, 2007

two weeks before and after.


@ 11:27 AM

{ } Friday, July 13, 2007

Voila voila voila! English Prelim oral's tomorrow!
Waiting for laundry laundry laundry to be done done done, my eyes are hardly open.

These few days have been... hazy for me.
Things get muddled up here and there, priorities got ignored a little bit, responsibilities got chucked aside temporarily.

Ming tian hui geng hao!
Well David turned 17 yesterday WOO. Celebrated it today currently waiting for Ms Marissa to send me the pictures.

Nicholas Chua Ru Yun ( my chem partner ) is gonna defy some law of the activation energy of exothermic reaction and come up with the CHUA'S LAW and he's gonna make it big one day. It's okay Nicholas, no harm dreaming ;D

And our dear sports rep today presented to the class ( in C.E lesson ).... on how he got approached by a guy asking for his help...to pierce his nipple OMG.

@ 11:30 PM

{ } Thursday, July 12, 2007

The visualisation on Windows media player...is...hypnotising..me to sleep.

@ 12:10 AM

{ } Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The little ones of today's society are bloody atrocious.
Thank God we weren't like that 3 years back. We were younger and more ignorant but far more sane and didn't try too hard to stand out to be THE ONES.
"Go play masak masak lah okay." - Abby.

( I knw I ought to stop yakking about it but it gets on my nerves lah. I mean, JUST LOOK AT THEM, holy shit )

Currently I'm going through this phase in life whereby everything seems to be on slow-mo and so draggy ( mainly from 7-4 on weekdays ) but seems to fast-forward after that.. bugger.

I should actually get going to iron my school U.

@ 10:49 PM

{ } Monday, July 09, 2007

I changed my skin back to my old one and edited a lil here and there, cos the other one somehow lags up people com, is it the skin or not ah whatever I've changed it so if there's anymore problem, I gotta look up HTML experts cos I can't remember a single thing about it.

I'm currently having no life now, and these days I get so irritable I get irritated with myself getting irritated. Tell me tell me tell me, is there a cure for that? No I don't think it's PMS. It's just that probably, my brain's too hogged up with unnecessary stuff.

Studied a little for my SS test tomorrow so I guess this's gonna be quite a long post eh.

Youth Rally on Saturday.

First Catholic rally held in Singapore I heard, and it was good, just a lil draggy, and I got embarrassed zzz. The camera was facing my direction and I didn't have a clue, so I walked down the steps to pick up my bottle and it was shown on the big screen. I just made myself (in)famous :D and I got to knw the YC people better. Nice bunch of people, serious. ( considering that I'm like the xiao mei mei heh heh )

Once again I'm all alone at home and mum left me goodbye gifts - two unwashed bowls heh heh heh.

Impact of ageing pop.
1. Health care.
2. Labour force!

@ 9:01 PM

{ } Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Chinese O lvl oral's tomorrow. I'm supposed to be facing the mirror and read aloud to my reflection. And if that isn't crazy enough, I'm addicted to PS2 now, just when everyone is going gaga over Wii.

I know I'm super laggy.

I feel so happy today because I pwned Tsz pui in the NBA game on Kenneth's com.
And a puppy violated me. o.o

Anyway, I'm off to looking silly.

@ 7:59 PM

{ } Sunday, July 01, 2007

Nathan Hartono. This Indonesian guy who won Teenage Idol singing competition or something. He's just 15 leh gosh. He's the guy who looks like Winston in one of his pictures in 8 days magazine.
Good job, Nathan, you make us (Indos) proud. heh heh heh.

It had been an exciting day.
* hops around.

Okay tuition first but nevermind about that then I tagged along to Velocity at Novena to..

watch Vivien and Mervyn shave all their hair off for the Children Cancer Association or something like that.

SHE got guts.

We wanted her to just leave her hair like that.

The new nun in town.

Some random guy. Look at the barber having that cheeky look.

Mervyn's turn!


After! I think this picture is so cute.

I knw I have no guts to shave all my hair off.
I salute the both of you, man :)

Then then!
Mervyn spent some time trying to explain to me about my future plans like Jc, Poly, overseas studies and stuff like that. I think he thinks better when he has no hair on his head.

Her family, zhang, jeffrey, keith, nikki, clarrise, wanfong, weirong and me went to pick her up. We help up a piece of paper with Shan's name on it hah. Well I miss her a lot and so does everyone. Good to have her back really :D


@ 11:39 PM

Imee Anra Francesca Lim ;D

Nov 06; Dec 06; Jan 2007;
Feb 2007; March 2007; Apr 2007;
May 2007; June 2007; July 2007;
August 2007; September 2007;