Where do I, where do I go from here?  

{ } Friday, March 30, 2007

Admit it, you're doing this just for the sake of doing it
What kind of response is that.

@ 8:21 PM

{ } Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Oh my cat, I'm the F-lover. Or was it F-lower? O.o
DJ Leon, super-power Nicole, broom broom Abby and uh, mel mel army.

Anyway, I didn't go school today. No, I didn't pontang lah.
So woke up at 9, and slacked till 12. Ate lunch while watching Steve Irwin hunting crocodiles and I wasn't worried like before if he would get attacked by the crocodile :( He's such a brave guy and yeah, I admire him cos I don't even have the guts to face a cockroach.

I feel happy today, because, I attempted to study.
Just got distracted a lil bit by the computer? And, I've finally understood a little about static electricity and magnetism and etc, thanks to my sister, Tan Jian Rui who scared a girl off by shouting vulgarities in her language.
Jian, I'm not gonna announce to the whole world that you mistreat me but yeah, YOU HAVE BEEN NICE OK O.O

I'm joking :) He's a nice guy, really. Forsake a lot of things to help me and stuff like that. Besides, he promised his buddy, so he's got this very heavy and troublesome responsibility to uphold. hehe.
" Later I break your other hand, then you cannot walk ah... eh you cannot eat."

He has this friend in Vj choir that told them that there was one time he was practising his singing, and was singing out the window then there was a maid at the opposite condo who stuck her head out and asked him to keep quiet. He showed her a rude gesture and went back to singing. Then the maid carried a crying baby up and that dude stopped singing.

@ 11:16 PM

{ }

Wf, thanks to you for being a supporter?
Are you kidding.

Thanks for being my very best supporter, for being a fair umpirer, for staying back to substitue me just in case my thumb killed me, and being the best motivator, off court and on court, especially after I shot in goals. It really helped me a lot y'know. Thank you, girlfriend. I owe you a treat instead :)

@ 10:25 PM

{ } Monday, March 26, 2007

Feedback from my reader says : The song playing is annoying.
So imma take it off ( actually it's my girlfriend who said that so i will take it down )
speaking of 'imma', it's IMMA'S BIRTHDAY TODAY!
Imma is my twin sister whose name always get mixed up with mine by Mr.Ahyar two years back.And people called us sisters when we went to take OHP together. Imee Imma Imee Imma Imee Imma.

Today felt so much like a Friday. I stared at Abby with disbelief when she corrected me and had to shatter my hopes and told me that not only today's not a Friday, it's a MONDAY. Starting of the weeks are ALWAYS evil, but today went by pretty fast for me.

I listened during Physics,
I listened during Geography while getting amused by Atiqah finding her house location on the map.
I listened during English. No, I didn't. I couldn't bear to.
I did my A maths homework, and I passed my TQ.
Chinese lesson was pretty fun , with the way we were thinking of idioms and coming up with stupid things and not to forget our dearest Goh Chang Sheng who comes up with the stupidest ideas anyone can ever give.
I listened during A maths lecture, & Mrs Hwang asked me to erase off the 'phail!' that Sheep! wrote on my book. But seriously, why are we learning how to differenciate logarithm terms, which part of that makes sense and can be applied to our daily work? And I spent the last fifteen minutes of it thinking about the Netball interclass.

Speaking of netball interclass,
( Now this is the main reason why I wanted to blog ). I am so damn proud of 4D, serious. Asheem came back at 5 to make sure we had enough people, and Jasmine stayed back all the way. One thing about our class is that, we enjoyed the game more than we wanted to win, but of course who wants to win right. lol. Winning wasn't prioritized. I'm glad no one screamed at each other, and no blames were pushed nor any grudges are held. Third, again, my dears :) And then the cutest thing is, all the players sent each other smses to show how much they enjoyed and appreciated one another and the games.
Personal shoutouts :
Abby : lol you're a reckless GK but I like ;)
Asheem : "4D lagi best lah" You're the man. Take care of the thumb.
Jasmine : Thanks a lot :)
Nicholas & Tsz pui : Thanks, men!
Althea : I really can see the effort put in, good job :)
Leon : Haha you dance with your defender la you! Thanks for your prayers once again.
Wei Rong : You're one player I can always always trust :D
Wan Swen : Good support there :)

Melson : Good game, Melson, no hard feelings eh.
Nicole : lol do you know we spend more time apologising than fighting for the ball on court? =p
Donna : you did great, girl, don't be sad :)
David : And NOW you know.


@ 9:37 PM

{ } Saturday, March 24, 2007

Silence doesn't have to be because of ignorance.
Concern doesn't have to be shown on one-time basis.
Just one line from you, and there goes.

My day started at 8 and ended at 10 ( when I reached home that is ).
Had E maths tuition in the morning with Sheep! and Kelvin and learnt about some vector thingaling okay then my brain was half cooked already. Then after that helped out with some stuff in school along with Wootnick, Jingyi and Sheep! and had lunch and off I went to church. Once again, I embarassed myself infront of the whole class by saying stupid things that made Vivien and Mervyn smack their forehead in disbelief. So I was to start off the ending prayer, and I went, " Lord, thank You for Bertie, and um, thank you for the class."
Yeah I know, what a good kick off.

Went for sunset mass with Vivien, Sheng Li and Mervyn. I misheard "Zion" as "London" and I was shocked to hear that London had somethng to do with Jesus so I couldn't help but keep laughing and Mervyn looked at me like I was some weird kid.

Late for A maths tuition. New place, bad start. Stupid trigo differenciation questions in our lecture notes. By the time I finished tuition my brain was already fried. And that place is so ulu it's weird.
Somehow, I felt like a loser. lol.

AND THEN, I came home with hope of un-losering myself and just plonk on the bed or do something to get my mind off, and I was looking forward to receiving his email. But nop, no such luck.
The Immigration sent me a letter.
Now, I'm in a dillema.

Now, I still feel like a loser.

How was your day, F?

@ 10:04 PM

{ } Friday, March 23, 2007

I feel super lazy to blog,

and this is why.

@ 6:20 PM

{ } Wednesday, March 21, 2007

1. I didn't wake up late ( well not really.)
2. I reached school in time.
3. I blacked out in class.
4. She was at her bitchiest this morning. Serious, ask Nicholas.
5. I found out that I'm not the only one with a bandaged hand. ( Hi Justyn!!! )
6. I found out I pass my chemistry. Thanks Mr Tan if you counted that test.
7. Miss Goh didn't let me pass my physics :(
8. Entertaining assembly by the people around me.
9. Fun netball game for 15 mins.
10. I laughed at Mr Tan's comment at Leon being "insightful".
11. The netball poles should retire considering their state nw.
12. Mini netball game with Melson, Leon, Justin Khaw, Wei Rong.
13. .. with Melson claiming that we are cheaters every 2 minutes.
15. My best friend offering to give me a free ball tmr during our match cos of my thumb. ^^
16. Abby starting to panic for tomorrow.
17. Jie Rong calling Miss Goh to see if she's still in school and only realised at the end of the phone call that she was absent today ( you are such a loser ;p )
18, And now, my bruise is twice the size.

SEC FOUR NETBALL GAME TOMORROW K ( if nothing crops up that is )
4D, let's just enjoy ourselves lah :)

Overall, I feel happy today :D

Ok, as I promised. TAG REPLIES!!!
Kenneth : lol ya I know, cute right? xD
Sheep! : GWS? Sheep is oishi.
Jo : I expected a poke with that 'sup Imee' lol.
Weiru : lol yeah, I know what you mean.
Justin : oh my, you're a freak O.O : yep, I'm better now. I suck at floorball lerxzxzx, and yeah GROCERY SHOPPING FOOOOOO!
Winston : Ah, college freshman :)
Alison : yeah man, you got me REALLY confused.
Wootnick : You should tell people that stroy to cheer them up.
Mouse : You tried to trick me to pass you the ball!!!
Justin : Well as you can see from today, yes. lol.
Ronald : Hello fellow chairman ^^
Kenneth : THERE YOU GO :)

Special thanks to Jie Rong and Mat. The heroes of 4D.

3D netball team 2006.

@ 7:43 PM

{ } Tuesday, March 20, 2007

: ARE U SCARED OF ME ? : : ur finger??
: ARE U SCARED OF ME ? : : i think it was me ryt
: ARE U SCARED OF ME ? : : .....

Well well class teeshirt collection tomorrow.
Games carnival on thursday.

You said you weren't pinpointing anyone but hell yes I was aware of that accusing tone.
You! Please stop being such a biased shit to us especially them.

We need to draw the line, quickly.
Gosh I miss him.

Tag replies? next post ;)

@ 10:23 PM

{ } Monday, March 19, 2007

By now, they should be having their lunch and getting ready for physics lecture.

Went home after recess cos I felt too drowsy to stay on for the rest of the day. Got reprimanded by the GO lady for coming to school despite having MC. She said I'll pass the virus and germs to my classmates. Slept till around now and I had really weird dreams, and in one of them I dreamt that when my mum wasn't here, my brothers and dad suddenly appeared and I called Abby to tell her I'm not going over to her house for dinner. My mum left for Indonesia today and once again, I'm alone at home again. It's not more of great-I-finally-have-freedom, but more of damn-the-house-is-so-darn-quiet-I-wish-she-was-here.
So for now, I'd have to fend for myself and ensure my own survival! Grocery shopppppppppppppppppppping. lol, grocery shopping reminds me of Boon ( )

Anyway, parts of UK are experiencing hailstorms. Hope my brother is okay over there. Ah poor guy. Come back soon k :)

Part of me wants to spend the day rotting part of me wants to spend the day organizing my lecture notes. Now now, which one sounds more alluring?

I'd like to say thank you to..
Miss Goh, for talking it out with DM and woo 4d, we can wear our class tee to school.
Nicole, for giving me a ride to school this morning.
Atiqah, for helping me today :)

It feels good to see them again after one week break, and especially the both of them. Feels like a family reunion or something along that line.
Happy physics-ing, y'all!

@ 2:33 PM

{ } Sunday, March 18, 2007

Before I forget, here goes!
Nicole : Hello npy! So much for studying huh lol.
Alison : Haha yep, but always tempted to close and reopen again zzz.
Sheep : Hello Wf :) SPIDERWEB!
Dan : Well stupid people can't see them. =p : I never knew those were clouds, really.
Abby : It's only on YOUR com tsk :p
Wei Rong : yep they have :)
Mini : Hey mini! long time no see~
Zhang : wtf -.- really ah?
Weiru : You strangle him, you'll probably get double back.
Kenneth : lol yeah, we both had a good day, didn't we? =)
Wei Ru : Wait till i post the pictures that you abby and me took. hehe.
Jina : I feel like boxing you on the nose sometimes.
Him : Amirul :)
Althea : My blog? I don't know. .Blog, are you okay? :P

Now isn't the right time to blog about everything I've been wanting to say cos everything that I type out wouldn't exactly be nice.

Holidays are ending tomorrow btw. It's time to panic and dig for your homework! Go go go go.

Traffic jam + us.

@ 7:57 AM

{ } Friday, March 16, 2007

Longing ;intr.v. longed, longĀ·ing, longs :
To have an earnest, heartfelt desire, especially for something beyond reach.

Half a world away.

@ 11:13 PM

{ } Thursday, March 15, 2007

Today has been a relatively good day other then that disturbing and concerning matter ringing at the back of my head. I don't know why it has such great impact on me every single time it happens and seriously it brings me down a lot cos it's important to me.

Went to study in the morning at the airport but gave up after one hour ( and after spilling my drink yes again ) and headed to queensway to check out the price of the netball tee. Seriously, even to get 50 cotton shirts cost more than 10 bucks so who is the school trying to kid here?

Then went home and headed to town to meet those two goons tsk. Sorry Abby for being late. Abby was talking about going to town 4 out of the 5 days and I laughed at her and when I carefully thought about it, I stand accused too zzz.

Abby came along with Weiru and me to Parkway to meet Gerry that irritating 76 guy. We left town quite late so decided to cab, yep bad choice. jam, peak hour, erp charge and the final cost was scary enough. It turned out that Gerry was later than us hmmm.

Had dinner at Ajisen Ramen and then headed to Starbucks for the REAL discussion about filming. So we managed to narrow down on the possible ideas and I'm quite glad that Gerry siad the ideas were "workable" and "interesting". This thing is gonna take a long time but it's a sure thing that I'll enjoy the whole process of this production. As usual, Weiru was teased by Gerry but the weird thing is that she laughs when she gets insulted by him? lol. These are some of the pictures taken by him.

It's cool the way he makes the pictures much clearer with photoshop. lol I'm a photoshop noob so I don't know nuts about all these. I'm not dense btw -.-

Had a good evening tonight. Hanging out with those two reminded me so much of those filming days quite long ago and though we only got merit and not platinum like this year, I really enjoyed the whole of it, from acting to editing to attending the ceremony. Yea, he's right, it's not the award that matters it's a matter of enjoyment.

Will blog more next time, currently pissed and speechless.

@ 11:23 PM

{ } Wednesday, March 14, 2007

First off, thank you Abby, I appreciate that :) You still bothered to say a word of thanks despite everything else.

Yesterday I talked to an old friend.
After one year and three months ++, we opened up to each other and it made me realise a lot of things and that my assumptions were silly, but at the same time, I couldn't really let go of that grudge I had but nevertheless it all went good. Apology, confession, analysis, solving. Whatever it is, remember, if plan A doesn't work, go for plan B and yes remember your promise to at least TRY k :) ( I'm sorry I couldn't really be of much help btw. )

Yesterday was the first time they came to my house.
They spent most of the time sitting on the kitchen floor and migrated to the dining table cos it was stuffy in the kitchen. We were stuck here cos it was pouring damn heavily so while some were fascinated about clouds at my balcony, some were playing the guitar, while some were watching tv and Nicholas left his phone here while changing, so his chairman will save the day and give it back to him :D

Thank goodness it stopped raining after a while and the fire was up thanks to the newspapers.. and the men.

See that green flame there...somewhere?

And then 9/10 oclock came and few had to leave.

The chickens tasted great but we didnt manage to finish them.

Boon and the chickeeeeeeens.

Abby trying to find her Jay chou songs in the iPod.

marshmallow got torn but still happy. ;D

seriously, i think this is cute lol.

testing out the timer.



Currently waiting for Nicole to give me a call cos it's our out day today but for now... I think I should bathe. mwaha.

Jina : angels got doors one ah?
Justin : lol now you know how happyness is spelt in that show yes? :)
Kenneth : happYness! lol yeah the cube landed him an internship. coolz.
Winston : Hello yellow car dude ;D
Him : Yep finally! Finally what? o.o
Shanti : hello Shanti. I miss you.

@ 10:00 AM

{ } Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Mummy's hogging the toilet AGAIN so I shall just blog first. I opened my eyes and was wide awake after exactly 8 hours of sleep ( that was 7 o'clock this morning ) and my lower body was already out of the bed. Now I believe what Nicole said about me kicking her in my sleep, and the fact that I rolled over( a little bit too much) and fell on Abby?

And speaking of Abby, we were out in town yesterday with Zoe-ann and Alison and she caught a glimpse of this 'infamous' blogger. My first impression of her wasn't exactly positive, so I went to her blog / website, and oh my, to my horror.

Moral of the story : I am glad to be normal, and have no intention of turning into a funky chick wannabe and I'm glad to have friends who are down to earth and just go with the flow~
After all, being different and attracting attention is two different things altogether , yknow yknow yknow? :)

Original plan was to go blading with The Curlies, but things cropped up last minute so yeah. I'm supposed to go to the market later oh no I don't like that place. Well, something good's gonna happen today cos we're having a bbq later! :D

And you know why today's a good day? Cos today's the 13th. My lucky number 13.

"It reminded me of a person 16000km away. Half the world away. Oh well, goodbye doesn't mean forever." - Amirul.

@ 8:51 AM

{ } Monday, March 12, 2007

Hello I'm back to blogging.
I closed it down the other time cos I was having a terrible day and didn't want to risk venting my frustration out on my posts which in turn would end up offending people and making things far worse than it was.

Abby was helping me with the other skin that I intended to use but the codes were cocked up, so changed it to this one. lol, yeah, it's simple and... white but that's the way i like it.

Well well, new tagboard, and I WILL start replying tags.
The pursuit of happyness.

@ 9:15 PM

{ } Thursday, March 08, 2007

Gah. I missed your calls twice because I didn't feel the vibration and another time cos I was having A maths lecture, trying to recall anything about quadratic inequalities. Sorry I smsed you kinda late, cos I have no idea of the time difference there but now I realised it's 6 o'clock there and I doubt you've read my sms so yeah, just to tell you I'm missing you :D

Gosh. I look at my marks and I freak out. Yeah, what happened to me? Too lazy, too complacent, and maybe too overconfident thinking that I can scrape through everything even without reading through or revising. And for the first time in 16+ years, my parents have to go down to meet my teacher tomorrow.
In fact, I feel ashamed :(

Like.... you send your daughter overseas to this country where the currency was 6000 times bigger than your country's, to find out that your daughter has been slacking and having the best times of her life while you're far away from the country, slogging day and night.
So shall we even start on what's fair and what's not? Doubt it.

Now now let me not forget about THE priority.
I am so gonna try to make things right.

How ironic of the song playing that moment.

So brother, tell me. Would you rather be home..?

@ 10:06 PM

{ } Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I know my blog entries have been lacking content wise and since today I'm in the mood to blog, I shall. If you think it's emo, I think you're nuts.

Cos you know why.
I have been thinking and people do think. So I do think a lot especially after I read people's blog, usually those I'm close to. The things they say impact me greatly, and knowing myself, I don't get things out of my head very quickly.

And most of the time, I want to do something about them. Like, tell them how I feel or probably.. leave a tag to tell them I care? But do I say it too much till it becomes commonplace? Or... is it not enough? So I start questioning and doubting, wondering and worrying.

The only thing I know is that I don't know what I'm thinking. I know the things I do are "wrong", in a way that maybe it's going against my principles but yet again I shrug them off. I know... I don't like it either :(

I mind too much I'm sorry.


Self abstainance.
Lead us away from temptation, and deliver us from evil.

I think this is how it feels to be confused.

@ 8:05 PM

{ } Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Hi brother.
Your sister is intelligent, really.
Although she can't get into biomedical course and shoot out some superlongandweird chemical names, she's not as dumb as you think okay.

Well, I'm iMee.

@ 9:41 PM

{ } Monday, March 05, 2007

Vice chair, you deserve a big picture on my blog cos well, yeah you've been the best vice chair anyone can get, serious. You take attendance, you chase the teachers for signatures, you write announcements, you collect forms, and you've helped me in everyway possible awwww :) Happy sweet sixteen and well hope you were happy today. I know you're happy, cos I gave you a personalized card and I got you siew mai! You're sixteen now, please stop singing in class :D
Love, ..auntie Magg.

She's a toughie. Happy or not, crafting still means cutting ( well according to the passage that is HAHA )

@ 8:01 PM

{ } Saturday, March 03, 2007

I forsake Fall Out Boy concert for A maths tuition.
And so what was I telling you about this world going crazy?mmm.

@ 10:28 PM

{ } Friday, March 02, 2007

I forgot to jump out of my classroom window. Dang.
Well, well. Thanks to Amirul for teaching me the chords. Don't be affected by what he says lah, what does he know about anything? -.-

They're everywhere. No, you're everywhere.

@ 1:38 PM

{ } Thursday, March 01, 2007

The world is crazy, I realised.

1. My classmate is planning to strike lottery and buy the whole of our school audi chairs.
2. A 9 year-old girl was pregnant and gave birth in primary 3. Boyfriend's same age.
3. If the sea level rises by 0.3% or sth like that, parts of China will face heavy floodings.
4. A 16 year old girl and a mother of 2.
5. We actually settled our class tee shirt after what seemed like a long long long time.
6. Our principal rolled down his car window down to as Myeong Wen to tuck in his shirt.
7. If I get an intivation tomorrow, I'll jump down from the classroom.

Thank goodness tomorrow's friday :)

Long, comfortable Mrt rides to nowhere in particular with me mugging for my chemistry quiz the next day. Me spilling coke the first time. 13 seconds.

@ 10:18 PM

Imee Anra Francesca Lim ;D

Nov 06; Dec 06; Jan 2007;
Feb 2007; March 2007; Apr 2007;
May 2007; June 2007; July 2007;
August 2007; September 2007;