Where do I, where do I go from here?  

{ } Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Can't get you outta my head.
Can't get you outta my head.
Can't get you outta my head.
Can't get you outta my head.
Can't get you outta my head.
Can't get you outta my head.
Can't get you outta my head.
Can't get you outta my head.
Can't get you outta my head.
Can't get you outta my head.
Can't get you outta my head.
Can't get you outta my head.
Can't get you outta my head.

After 13 lines of 'Can't get you outta my head', I still can't get you out of my head.

Nicole baaaaaaaaaaby, my one and only npy :D

I hope you're okay over there. Poor you have to adapt to the time there again. Well, wear more layers of clothing if it starts to get colder, and please be alright :)

@ 8:47 PM

{ } Monday, February 26, 2007

It's all gonna be okay.
Dear, I love you :)

@ 6:56 PM

{ } Saturday, February 24, 2007

Omg, you're seventeen :D

It seems like such a long time since I've seen you already Shanny. I miss you. Hope things are great over there and your school's awesome...

...just like you :)
Higher than the ceiling :)

@ 11:01 PM

{ } Wednesday, February 21, 2007


(courtesy of Mirul -friend of the nonbimbotic)

@ 10:20 PM

{ } Thursday, February 15, 2007

Firstly, I'm sorry for not updating as often anymore. I've finally learnt to control my urge to use the com and surf online, and I've overcome the temptation to go on MSN...and it's because of...

I never get sick of new stuff. ( that was a weird statement.)

So.... YESTERDAY WAS VALENTINE'S DAY and TODAY'S TOTAL DEFENCE DAY. Thank God TK don't have that tradition they have in TKP where all the stalls in the canteen would only sell porridge and mineral water during Total Defence Day.

4D's a really sweet class. Absoluteeeeeeeely. By the time I stepped into the classroom ( yesterday ), there were a few chocolates and sweets on my table already. Then, the chocolate sharing continued for the whole day and the whole class was in high spirits, all excited and stuff like that. I feel so bad to those who have given me stuff, cos I didn't have the time to buy chocs and stuff like that :(

Well, well. Let the pictures do the talking.

The gifts.

The cards.

The WeiRong ('s gift.)

The sweet letters.

Girlfriend. ( with Weiru doing some weird handsigns )

Boony and Donny.

Hi Winnie, I'm sure I wasn't ignoring you.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Flowers for mumster.

Okay, here are some random pictures. I love random pictures and no I don't have a 'Random Pictures' folder. Jian, you know that's for you -.-
The totally out of tune guitar.
Night view from my balcony.
I miss Loch Ness.

Today was an okay day. The down side of it was that DM didn't approve of our class tee again :( She doesn't approve of the DESIGN cos she doesn't want people labelling us as 'MAD' just because we have the word 'M4DNESS'. But why, Mrs Lim, why? This is called being innovative... right? o.o
Jay R : Dude, thanks for being there in class all the time, and you don't sing as often anymore YAY. You're a great vice-chair who always miscount but THAT'S OKAY, cos I'm lazy.
Shearen : I hope you're getting well now :)
Nicole : NPY! Take care alright, I hope you're doing just fine yes?
Abby : Tomorrow is the day you have been looking forward to!
Justin K : Thanks :)
Amirul : MIRUL. 2.20 lah!! Thanks for the letter btw~
Atiqah : Thanks so much dearest. That was really sweet of you :D

@ 9:43 PM

{ } Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I happen to be blogging at 11 :58.

G'night, and.....

Amirul, I am not a bimbo!
You owe me 2.20 you..you... ... .. .

@ 11:50 PM

{ } Saturday, February 10, 2007

Since I'm too lazy to type many many many many words,

I have posted these random pics to fill up the space to create the impression that I've just typed a long entry and I'm so tired from blogging that I'm gonna go to sleep.

Kudos to all who have gotten great grades for O lvl.

@ 10:52 PM

{ } Friday, February 09, 2007

So this is how it feels like to have to be responsible.

How I wish it's like last year when the main concern for the day was where to go after school at 2 o'clock sharp. But this year it seems like we don't even have the time to think about that anymore, needless to say, no time to spend with anyone.

Yeah, in other words, I think I don't have a life. I'm not the only one who feels this way I suppose. Lots of people can feel the stress already and I envy them for coping with it. I don't have much time to spare, the moment I come home, all I can think of is I-Need-Sleep-Work-Comes-Later. And by the time I wake up, I'll be too groggy to think of work work work.

And the problem is, I can't figure out why I don't have sufficient time everyday to spend on studies out of the 24 hours ( other then curriculum time ). Maybe it's not that there isn't sufficient time, maybe... I'm just not disciplined.

I think that's it.

Well whatever it is, I haven't been spending time with them. Sorry for that :( And I'm sure you guys understand mm? But we ought to take some time out, and spend some time together, no matter what we do or how long we spend with each other.

So my point is, I feel that I'm running out of time, and not because I've been mugging my ass off. Actually, I rather be running out of time cos I've been studying too much, but that's not the case now lor. I've been scraping through my tests, either that or getting shit marks. My homework is hardly done, and my attention span in class is outrageous.

Come on, Imee.

Thank you to those who have helped with the class t-shirt. Namely Jie Rong, Wei Rong and Muhammad.


Amirul acting cute as usual ^^

@ 12:04 AM

{ } Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Seems like I'm running out of time.
Run run run run run run run.

@ 11:17 PM

{ } Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Oh no.

Parts of Jkt are flooded. This bad. Some houses are actually fully submerged.Water in some parts of the city has reached of 4-5 meters.

The place where my aunt lives was the worst hit. ( Kelapa Gading ). She said that it wasn't even raining THAT heavily but yet the water level rose till damn high :( We could harldly contact her with all the telecommunication system cut off. There's no clean water and electricity too, so they have to wade their way out of the district.
It's just reported that this flood may cause some water-borne diseases. GAH.
Please let them be okay :(

@ 10:13 PM

{ }

The Protègè

@ 11:47 AM

{ } Saturday, February 03, 2007

Today was one of the most exhaustive day in the whole year ( which consists of one month and 3 days ).

TK Family day.

Last minute changes, and I ended up as one of the relay runners for NCC SEA & NETBALL. Okay, so I was really dreading it, cos I came to school prepared to walk, with my dunks and all, and with me were Lin and Wan. So we had to wait for a long long time before the race started and woo, we got second position after all.

Kudos to those ncc sea people who sprint so fast I couldn't see anything. Syafiq (sp!) told us that if we weren't half dead by the end of the race, we didn't put in our best, so I was 3/4 dead ( just to play safe ) and thanks to Wf who ran with me while talking on the phone and Wr & the rest for cheering :D

I spent the rest of the time lying down in the hall with very bad butt cramps. then wandered around for a while then we were dismissed. So Banja-ed with the NZ people ( I think it's their tradition xD ).

Then headed to queensway with the 4d people plus wootnick & Wf. Gosh the bus ride there takes around one and a half hours, and most of us were asleep ( at least I was ). Walked around looking for potential class jersey, but not very productive search la. lol.

So after lunch, Wf and me headed back to Katong for E maths tuition. Yes, another one and a half hour bus ride, with a jam somewhere in between Outram and Chinatown. Wf flew off her seat and the elderly couple laughed at her. Thanks for lending me the shoulder to sleep on. ( She was watching anime the whole way goodness gracious ).

Then after tuition went back home especially to see the new telly set that my parents bought. Then got ready and headed to A maths tuition in Chinatown. Zzz, the bus stop smelled so bad of ammonia. A maths tuition killed my brain cells.

There are so many people in Chinatown everyday now, cos of the Chiense New Year lighting zzz. And the CNY songs are starting to irritate me. Okay, I know I don't like CNY as much as X'mas but still! Okay, I'm just grumbling cos I don't like crowds if you haven't realised.

So now, I'm dead beat. Pft.

Picture time.

Mrs Koh treated us to fries ytd after the match.

See Wynne Tay's expression?



My vice chair!

Relay & telematch.

Above : Leon, Below : Melson.

I think that's why they're best friends, don't you think.


@ 10:15 PM

{ } Friday, February 02, 2007

I shall stop slacking already.

ANYWAY, thank you Peng Jin for your affirmation thing. He said I'm a nice chairman! LOL. And he said I need to pay more attention in class and not to let my "talent" and "ability" go to waste. Tsk.

So today was our last match against Damai.
And today is the last match for the sec fours. Sec threes, work hard for next year k! We'll be back to watch :D

I have deleted the previous post. It makes me boil all over again once I read it, so I shall just get it off. Makes myself feel slightly better. I still hate future talks though.

P.E with the rest of 4D is super fun. Guys and girls all play netball together. Damn funny la wahlao, let's do it the next P.E okay! And oh, I got guitar for my "choices" and they said it's electric guitar? O.o

Alright, FAMILY DAY TOMORROW! HAHA. I shall bathe, and sleep.
No, I shall write him a long email first.
It has only been like two weeks. omg.


@ 8:27 PM

Imee Anra Francesca Lim ;D

Nov 06; Dec 06; Jan 2007;
Feb 2007; March 2007; Apr 2007;
May 2007; June 2007; July 2007;
August 2007; September 2007;